Monday, February 14, 2011

2011 is off to a good start for Victory Records releases on the 10 inch format. I've purchased copies of both Warzone's "Lower East Side" and Deadguy's "Screamin' With The Deadguy Quintet" for under 15 dollars SHIPPED. Preposterous in some circles, amazing in this one. If I can find the Guilt 10" at Amoeba next visit or if someone pops it on Discogs,maybe it'll round out a Hat Trick.

Some idiot keeps selling awesome crap to a shit store here called Zia. Then the turds price it low cause they don't know it and I reap the benefits. Example:
Wehrmacht "Shark Attack"
Ripcord "Poetic Justice"
Both Kid Dynamite LPs
Ice Cube "Lethal Injection" and "The Predator"
Snoop Doggy Dogg "Doggystyle"

With the exception of the Hip-Hop LPs and the Wehrmacht (which still was priced at 11.99,plus half off...) all these records were $6.99. I sold the 2nd KD lp for $30+ shipping months ago,who knows what the first one fetches.

BUT I DIGRESS. I was joking with the dude that sold me the Deadguy 10" (which has lower seam split issues,which fucks with my OCD) that the record was like my bitch. I let her go cause her pussy wasn't tight anymore, then I find her again all cut up in the face almost acting as a lesson to be hesitant of letting my pussy go. Theres a couple bitches in my stable I would like to see come back around,shaking their ass at me for a nominal (hopefully low) fee.

One of my bitches on the way out has a tale as long as...fuck...something long. I purchased the "Arschbombes De Monat!" 12"EP by the German Noisecore group W.B.I. from the long rested record store on the West side of Maryland Parkway,the mecca that was Big B's. A relative of the schlocky ripoff extraordinaire Wild Rags Records (whom I remember two incessant drunk friends of mine demanding and berating copies of the Internal Bleeding demo and old Catalepsy (LA) demos long before she starting selling records in her "Vault",which I did score some dope jams in Arizona from her before someone convinced her to jack up her prices and sell shitty Benediction records for $25) used to sell fucking GEMS for pennies on the dollar it'd have to be! Multiple awesome metal records were popping up for CHEAP (ex: Autopsy's "Retribution For The Dead" EP ((WHICH I REGRET NOT BUYING WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE)) was marked $2.99) for months on end,snagging shit left and right. This record came from her,it would have to. I think I paid (or paid with store credit) 2.99 for this one too. Got it with some other tasty treats,a group from Illinois called Outcasts (on Wild Rags) who played a very speed-driven Thrash/Crossover/Almost Grind that rules so hard and (like previously mentioned) Autopsy's "Mental Funeral" on "Puke Green Vinyl". Anyways, I had no previous accounting for the mysterious Germans, with the exception of the blurb in old Relapse Mailorder catalogs linking them to Anal Cunt. I LOVE ANAL CUNT. ALWAYS HAVE. I distinctly remember the first time I heard "I Like It When You Die",I was writing horribly bad stolen checks I found in the trash of the apartment complex I used to live in's mailroom to a kid who would steal 10-15 cds from Tower Records/Wow! Superstore in a setting. We would ditch school,walk up the street to his house,eat some shit,forge a check for $20 bucks or so,walk up to Tower and go shopping. It's uncanny they didn't give the time of day to two young ethnics (me Puerto Rican,him Black) walking through their aisles at 10:30am on a Tuesday morning. Anyways I would peruse the racks for whatever I had on my mind at the time,this time around I remember the Mighty Mighty Bosstones record with "The Impression That I Get" being in my stack along with the Anal Cunt. I jammed that record so fucking hard. Mmm,sexy ass Tayla Hart (she was sexy back then) borrowed that shit and gave it to me all fucked up. Then me and a buddy tried the ole' Toothpaste Trick (that failed to no end). But now I'm trailing. Yurkiewicz (IT'D HAVE TO BE HIM) wrote a tongue-twister of a blurb on a 3"CD (that shit used to intrigue me back then,I never owned a 3"CD!) and dropped the AxCx. SOLD. Unfortunately this was before even Napster was up and pirating,so the name was all I had,and would hope to cross paths with in the near future. Flash forward a couple years: A silly album cover with four dudes on a beach and a collage insert with one of the ugliest guys I can name,WHO KEEPS TAKING THE SAME UGLY FACE PICTURE. I flipped the record over and looked at the back. Cheesy drawing again,dude keeps having Metallica shirts (which proves correct on the insert) and some short times on the track listings. It'd have to be them! Big B's,god rest their soul,wasn't too bright having CD listening stations and no turntables set up so you'd have to take shots in the dark....but this one I had a good idea of what I was getting into. Needle hits the record: Nekromantik intro strikes up (hadn't seen this masterpiece yet back then,so no reference point) but knew Haemorrhage had used it on their classic "Emetic Cult". Almost over,then the same dual yell ripped straight from the Haemorrhage record,AND THE NUTTIEST BLAST BEATS I HAD EVER HEARD. I was already informed of what the blast beat was,and this was right around the same time Origin's first record came out so I knew what Gravity Blasts were,but this guy was just...bllllllllllllll all over that snare. A couple silly sleeper songs with no vocals and cheesy riffs,but right back into the blasts. Then the song with the bird call! THEN THE BEST NAPALM DEATH COVER EVER!!! To the day I site W.B.I.'s cover of "Deciever" as the best. Genius work,hands down. Years would pass,records would be sold. Purging is one of the worst things to do with records,especially purging some gems and picking it back up,which I've done only once. Don't plan on doing it again. I'm in it to win it. W.B.I. survived the purge. From crate to crate to bookshelf to cabinet to perfect sized shelfing,W.B.I. has lasted. Never an issue to sell. Why would I? A dude that catches it in conversation is shocked by the fact that I have it. Never one to really accept or entertain offers on it,cause it was a part of my collection and planned on keeping it that way,I was hit with a proposal on an offer for some Despise You 7"s. Then the dreadful words came: "I'll trade you them and some $$ for W.B.I."... I immediately said NO in my head,but it bored in enough to have me thinking about it. I put it on the turntable,listened to side A and was firm. Pop on side B. Skeptical,entertaining thoughts of Despise You records I have wanted for years being as easy as letting go of a record that has SURVIVED. Alas,this tale has a tragic end. I accepted the offer,and have packed it up and am waiting to ship it off. Desolate on the internet to grab at a reasonable price,I'm certain I won't cross paths with this guy again unless I want to barter with a Dutch from the Netherlands. I will miss you W.B.I.,but your legacy has been encapsulated in a long-winded story. Vaya con dios,at least I made the guy promise to give it back to me if he got rid of it.

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